rka@hbb-bygg.no | Players | Schedule and results | Economy

Sprint-Jeløy, SK (1207)

Kvittering Receipt per team


Post Kostnad Antall Totalt
Gutter 13 (2005) 1 590 1 1 590
Totalt     1 590 NOK
Vi har mottatt en betaling fra dere som vi ikke kunne knytte til noen bestilling. Hjelp oss å kategorisere overskuddet her:
Visa aktive innsamlinger {{T("Web.EconomyBanner.TeamFunds.Title", activeTeamFunds().length)}}

Du trenger ikke å betale noe

Du trenger ikke å betale noe

Alt er betalt! *

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation

Økonomi informasjon

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation

Økonomi informasjon

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
Ingen ubetalte fakturaer
Det kommer faktureras {{banner.costsLeftToInvoice}} {{banner.currency.code}} den {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}} varav ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}

Det er innbetalt et overskudd*

* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation


* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
Ingen ubetalte fakturaer
Det kommer faktureras {{banner.costsLeftToInvoice}} {{banner.currency.code}} den {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}} varav ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}


Du har betalt {{banner.totalPayed}} av {{banner.totalCosts}} {{banner.currency.code}}
* Note that the payments made with Klarna Pay-Later need to be settled with Klarna within 30 days from their creation
Alle påmeldingsavgifter er betalt
Anm.avgifter: {{banner.registrationCosts - banner.registrationPayed}} {{banner.currency.code}} Betalas senast {{banner.registrationPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}}
Alle øvrige avgifter er betalt
Övrigt: {{banner.otherCosts - banner.otherPayed}} {{banner.currency.code}} Betalas senast {{banner.otherPaymentDueDate|date:'dd MMMM'}}


You just need to verify your email address to continue. Please check your mail, and enter the password you have received in your confirmation email

Email address
Your password
Forgot password?
We have sent an email to you
Could not log in, check your password

Betal faktura {{onlyInvoice.invoiceNr}}


An unexpected error occurred when the registration was processed. To ensure that the registration went through, please contact Cup Manager support: support@cupmanager.net or by phone: 33 22 12 90 Please do not try to register again before contacting us.

Betaling fullført

Takk for din betalning

Opprett faktura

Du kommer att få en faktura på {{invoiceDialog.costsLeftToInvoice}} NOK.
Lägg märke till att ni redan betalt {{banner.restToCategorize}} {{banner.currency.code}}, så ni behöver bara betala {{invoiceDialog.costsLeftToInvoice - banner.restToCategorize}} NOK på den nya fakturan.

An unexpected error occurred when the registration was processed. To ensure that the registration went through, please contact Cup Manager support: support@cupmanager.net or by phone: 33 22 12 90 Please do not try to register again before contacting us.

Faktura er opprettet!

Du vil få den nye fakturaen tilsendt via e-post

Betaling fullført!

Takk for din betalning.
Payment error



{{banner.registrationCosts - banner.registrationPayed}} NOK

Andre kostnader

{{banner.otherCosts - banner.otherPayed}} NOK


Skriv ut kvittering

Betal gebyrene til følgende konto: 2050.30.29597
Når du betaler, skriv inn følgende referanse: ADIDASCUP-1207


Do you really want to remove {{removeTeamFundConfirmationDialog.fund.name}}?

Sorry, an error occurred.

Kategorisere overskudd

Error: {{error}}

Ukategoriserte betalinger:

{{categorizeDialog.uncategorizedPayed}} NOK

Fakturaer som mangler betaling

Påmeldings.avg. Andre avgifter Dato
{{invoice.registrationCosts}} {{invoice.otherCosts}} {{invoice.dueDate | date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}

Igjen å kategorisere

Påmeldings.avg. Andre avgifter
{{team.registrationCosts}} {{team.otherCosts}}

Valgte fakturaer

Valgte bestillinger

{{total()}} NOK

- {{uncategorizedToBeUsed()}} NOK

Igjen å betale etter kategorisering

= {{total() - uncategorizedToBeUsed()}} NOK
